How we all start
Everyone can tell
How it ends
No one can guess
Like the eyes and nostrils
And yet ironically,
So distant
Blood should only deny allegiance
When the body breaks
But families…
Can’t wait not to meet
Except someone’s wedding
Or someone’s dead
We think 3 cows will suffice
To ease emotional heartaches
Of course, they don’t !
I know my Aunt on TV
Though we’ve never met in the city
Cousin has my 3year old pictures
Yet, doesn’t know it’s me in the bus every morning
We all have phones, internet and transportation
And yes… the world is a global ‘village’
So, I wonder how we don’t see
When we live in the same ‘village’
Of myths, our ears are full
‘… Aje ni, o n po mo je!’
(They are witches/wizards, they kill!)
Our thoughts, ego rules
‘…They only want my money!’
There’s nothing like family…
Or do we need orphans to remind us?